Monday, March 30, 2020

The New American Dream

Everyone has been self-isolating for about four days now.
In an effort to combat the spread of the Coronavirus.
Tonight, the Governor announced
that the Army was being deployed
rumors are running wild that we'll be on lock down/quarantine
before the weekend is over.
California's 40 million residents have just been placed
under mandatory
lock down
for the next month.
Other states are expected to follow
as the disease continues to spread
Italy has so many dead bodies
they've run out of room
for them.
Army trucks having to transport the dead to
the ovens.
Page after page
of obituaries in the Italian newspapers.
And experts say, The United States
is just two weeks behind Italy
and our numbers of
infections and deaths are progressing
at the same rate.
Not hard to see what comes next.
So I drink these beers
smoke a bit of reefer
hitting these keys
and listening to
the new playlist I just made,
'Songs to Quarantine To;.
The first song is 'Solitude' by Duke Ellington
and from now on, it will always remind me
of this time.
All I can do is type these words
get a good buzz going
stay the fuck away from people
and hope
for a somewhat happy ending 
to all of this.
The New American Dream;
don't die.

Day One

I've never seen anything like it in all my life.
It's fucking terrifying how fast everything
As of tonight, all bars & restaurants are to close at 8 p.m.
and stay closed, until further notice
in an effort to help slow down the infection rate.
It's what other countries are doing.
Spain, Italy, and France are already on complete
lock down/quarantine.
So it's only a matter of time
until ole' Uncle Sam tell us all
to go to our rooms
we're fucking grounded
for the greater good.
Honestly, I'm kinda okay with it.
I think this might be good for society,
the world,
but Americans, especially.
Let everybody sit between the four walls
get a real good look at themselves
think about what's truly important and valuable in this life
and maybe
just maybe
humanity will wake the fuck up
and start living right.
But then again,
that's asking a lot.
I honestly don't know
if we got it left in us.
I hope that we do.
This was day one.