Wednesday, March 13, 2019

It Happens Everyday

Waiting in the chair directly next
to the front door
of a hair salon.
My son wants his hair cut like John Connor from the movie, 'Terminator 2'.
He doesn't think a barber will do it 
so I brought him here.
I see this old man
like seventy or eighty years old
white guy with hardly any hair at all
holding a mirror in his hand
bitching about something
there was no mistaking that tone in his voice.
A young woman with purple & pink hair
cut in a short bob
trimmed a couple more spots and then
he was done
and at the register directly in front of me
paying with a debit card.
"...and right here, is where you can leave a tip."
she said, pointing.
"No, no, no, I won't be doing that today." He said, waving her off.
"Let me see how I like the haircut first and then maybe next time, a tip.
Also, write down the days you're working."
He didn't ask
he didn't say, 'If you don't mind, could you...'
he just instructed her
and that bugged me.
Then I heard him say,
"How do you think those nails would my hands?"
I looked up
saw her long, blue, nails
and the look on her face
her skin crawling
as she just had to stand there
waiting for the debit card receipt to print out
once it did, she threw up a fake smile and said,
"Have a good day, sir!"
Then she turned around and went back to clean up her station.
Old man turned for the door and found my eyes burning into him.
I motioned with my two fingers for him to come to me.
Now I was the one giving orders.
When I knew, I had his attention, I said,
"Next time, don't be such a creep."
"HUH?" The old bastard couldn't hear me
and so, he leaned in, even closer
so I repeated it again
at a much louder volume this time
so the entire salon could hear.
His face turned into a sour expression.
"Well, I'm sorry if that's how you choose to interpret it..."
"It's not a matter of interpretation, it's reality. You're a fucking creep."
He stood there dumbfounded
he began to say the same phrase again
so I just cut him off, in mid-sentence,
"Just get the fuck outta here. Go on. Get the fuck out."
The old man's face went red & he clenched his fist
as he swung the door open
and got the fuck out.
The same lady cut my son's hair
and did a good job too
looked just like the kid from Terminator 2, in fact.
As I was paying for the haircut
and giving her a decent tip
I apologized about that dickhead earlier
she just shrugged and said,
"Oh thank you, but honestly, it's not a big deal. It happens every day."
"Well, it shouldn't."
As my son and I were walking out
into the parking lot
her words echoed in my head
like a ringing gong;
It happens


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